Wiki Tooling

Dec 2, 2010 07:00 · 248 words · 2 minute read software

As per our first new-style post, the previous incarnation of drunkenpacket had a custom tool chain for building sites. It was an offline system:

  • posts were written in Markdown
  • collaboration was based on storing the changes in git and exchanging patches. (You’d be thinking at this juncture that drunkenpacket is comprised of programmers.)
  • a miscellany of home-built command line tools in python constructed the html content from the Markdown source
  • yet more command line tools uploaded the static content to S3.

A number of consequences sprang from this:

  • we have a lot of content already in Markdown. Conveniently, posterous supports Markdown posts. So, we can re-purpose our content. Including the never before articles unpublished ‘cause they were waiting on the tooling
  • I built a modified non-shared version of the tool-chain for notes about work and stuff. So more Markdown content to draw from. Yay!
  • I have all of these scripts that need to be unified and rationalized. Which has become yet another side project. (Henceforth in acronym form as YASP and to be pronounced like gasp after a round of burpees.)

Present Tooling

  • make to control it all.
  • perl to convert Markdown source into HTML
  • python for inserting the generated HTML into the template
  • Custom Go programs for building an interactive index of all the notes

Future Tooling

One program in Go that finds all the markdown fragments, converts them into html, templates, indexes and writes the result. Because Go is new hotness. And I like the mascot.