
Apr 27, 2011 06:45 · 254 words · 2 minute read software whining delicious pinboard

Oh devoted readers, you will recall from earlier that I was bemoaning the possible end of delicious. And my waxing cassandra on the matter. Eventually, I decided to use Google bookmarks. I have revisited my choices. I was finding Google bookmarks tedious. Besides, I wanted something different. So, I have done what I should have done in the first place and am now using Pinboard.

This has required some integration with my web-browsing work-flow. (I shudder at the thought of calling it work-flow given that it is largely web-browsing born out of the stultifying boredom of being confined to bed. But idle-flow doesn’t really have the same familiar ring.) I have applied the following:

But this leaves two issues which I’d like to rectify:

  • Add a bookmark from the omnibox via command. I can type the name of the bookmarklet but it requires an extra keystroke (down arrow) for Chrome to not try searching for the bookmarklet name on Google. The extra keystroke is clearly too much effort for flowing idly.

  • Slurp the pinboard bookmarks into Chrome’s bookmarks automatically so that omnibox searches go to the pinboard bookmarks too.

For both of these, I think I will need to write Chrome extensions. You should anticipate these also appearing on my github once I think they actually work.